Candidates of Gamma Chi Chapter:
  • Remember to sign in and sign out at every BAP function; this will ensure proper recordkeeping.
  • Make sure you have paid your chapter dues by the deadlines.
Second semester candidates have a required candidate project and short candidate presentation due by the end of the semester.
1) A candidate project due will be due at the end of your second semester. This project must be completed to be initiated as a member at the end of your second semester in Beta Alpha Psi. 
2) Presentation required to be made by Second Semester Candidates:
All second semester candidates are asked to prepare a two-minute presentation about themselves and their experience in Beta Alpha Psi. Click here for the candidate speech guidelines.
Candidates are required to pay a one-time $100 candidate membership fee in their first semester of BAP and a one-time $75 candidate membership fee in their second semester of BAP. Checks should be made out to Beta Alpha Psi